Sunday, January 4, 2009

Life and Death!! By: Eric Morris Dec.17,2008
I wrote the other day about the great commission. Hoping all that read will have a spark lit to create a flame of saving soldiers into their corners of the world. I find it refreshing when God speaks and then reiterates it over and over . I attended service the next day and the pastors message was on reaching into the world and saving souls. In conjunction with changing a bit to fit in where you need to save those souls. I have found this so many times in my life to be an amazing thing. Funny thing was I wasn’t really changing to fit in I was in a place where I probably shouldn’t be. But God was able to whisper to me and spark a conversation that not only delivered me from darkness many times, it help me shed a light for some one lost in the darkness. I would like to re visit a portion of this topic all ready written about this week, the fact that in our world, our school or place of work. All these places are full of souls that are dying, we are talking about life and death here. We are building walls out of unnecessary stumbling blocks. Why you should not sing to a musical instrument, why don’t you do this or that. Let me help a little. If God did not say this will condemn your soul? Why are you willing to sacrifice another’s soul or maybe even your own by loosing a God like heart over simple traditions? We should be finding a gentle but certainly effective way to teach the important issues such as Mark 16:16 without baptism you will not see the kingdom of God. What will it take for you to first believe the importance yourself so that you repent and help tend to Gods flock? The traditions we hold so dear that make us set in our ways, not willing to budge and meet on common ground! After all can I say again this is a matter of life and death. I once heard if all the religions would come together and fight for the one cause we all hold so dear! And rightfully so! For the father that bore his only son slain for the sinners of all kinds for it was for the sinners he died not the saved. Stop causing barriers not to share your message or rather share the correct message God sent his only son to save you and me from our sin. That all he ask is to believe this repent where we fall short and be buried in baptism so that we may spend eternity with him in heaven. This is what matters, this is the message Paul, and John like many others took to the ends of the world wont you take it at least to your neighbors? “Lord I come before you with the world on my heart, I my self included Lord. Why do we find it so hard to talk about your name? With such a gift the chance to live forever with you the opportunity not burn forever in the depths of hell. But yet we find it hard to invite one person to church on Sunday, ask a simple question concerning ones eternal life? Lord help me find the gentle words that will unite the world as one army in the name of Jesus. Lord save us from the ruts we lay in wrapped in excuses of why we didn’t or wont and cant speak about you. Lord with your help give the vision through your eyes to see where I may help, with your ears let me hear the needs and with your tongue spread your love and saving message. Lord with your heart let me discern what is important to hold as tradition that keeps your children from worship. In the name of your son by your grace it is that I make these request with Thanksgiving father. Amen “.

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