Sunday, January 4, 2009

The great Commission=(mission)! Dec.12, 2008 Eric Morris
Romans 10:14 "How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed, and how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" The Lord asks us each one to tell about his amazing grace and his saving blood. His convictions to us are few although may not always be so simple. I ran across an article speaking about the ones that do not have the privilege to receive the message of Gods saving power and everlasting life? This was a question for discussion and he closed it off by saying “If God meant for them to hear by this time he would have gotten his word there by whatever means necessary”. It was a moment where I was aware of my mouth being open, but not sure what to say. But can say this….Man are you glad Jesus or John the Baptist Or Paul, David and Moses Abraham. I could go on a bit longer. But what if these men had the same opinion as this “preacher” has. I understand there to be plenty in this world who have not EVER heard the name Jesus and know of Gods love. I am well aware there are many who have and are suffering from spiritual deafness, blindness and need to be saved by hearing the word of God and shown how to see the miracles of the Lord in daily life. So that men are without no excuse as it says in Romans. Paul tells us to go and preach the word of god in your work place, at the market, where ever you should have a moment to ask “Have I told you God loves you today”? What a great conversation starter. Please know you are Gods plan. If not you who? If not now, when? There is a small theory not held by many but by some including C.S. Lewis that those who have not had the opportunity to hear the message of God and his sacrifice to the world, will be given a chance after they die. I have found no fact to this in the bible. Romans 3 10-12 is one of those passages you feel like a teenager being scorned by mom or dad. And with justified reason do you feel this way. I t says (paraphrased) There is not one righteous, not one. There is not one that understands there is not one who seeks for God all have turned aside they have become useless there is none that do good not even one. If Christ is the only way to salvation. Laws will not save us in the end rather obeyed to the “T” or not. Love although great to have will not save us in the end. The great commission is to believe repent be baptized in the submission of water like Christ did. Then fill the world with the great news how you were made sin free. In that order. Share this with every one so that like you yourself everyone has a chance. We are all under sin people are dieing without the word of God. There souls are going to hell. Reach out and reach down to lost sinners, reach up to the Lord for strength and guidance to strike up a conversation about where one may or may not be spending the rest of his life. don’t loose your salvation because you were afraid to share it. If these words fall upon your ears for the first time contact me I will gladly share with you what God has done for you and me.--”Lord God I come before you in awesome wonder. I am amazed Lord how people can be so reckless about your words. I am sorry for the many lost opportunities I have missed to share and show your works. Lord I pray for strength in this matter. Help me to have but one side to my coin and have a boiling hot temperature when it comes to my spirit so I am neither lukewarm or cold I stay a constant fired up sharp battle sword. I pray for all who need to hear your word Lord are some how brought into my life and I know where to find them. Forgive me where I fall short help me to hear the worlds cries with your ears see the worlds needs with your eyes and deliver your word with your tongue. Grant me understanding and wisdom father. It is through your sons most awesome name I pray. Amen”.---- Eric Morris

1 comment:

  1. "The great commision"; I must say that , telling the world they have an oportunity to live forever, by word and example, is one of the christian's main purposes in life.
    Those purposes may be summed up in these four things.

    Obedience to his Teaching ----------- Rom. 6:17
    Live a righteous life ---------------------- " 6:18
    Teach others ------------------------------- Heb. 5:12, Mark 16:15
    Worship him; includes all of the above John 9:31

    A home in heaven--------2nd Peter 1:11

    The New Testament is mostly all about those four things.

    "What" we are to teach is demonstrated in those twelve or so examples of conversions in the book of Acts.
    Grandpa Jim
