Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Disiciples of Christ!

We once were lost but now we are found. They are lost but we will find them! But then what? We as the church seek the lost but then what do we do with them? You see we bring people to believe in Christ and what he has done but then what do we do with the soul we help get to Jesus. Many times I have heard people say I can plant the seed and I can lead them to God, but then Jesus takes over. In Mat. 28:18-20 Jesus commands not asks commands us to go unto the world and baptise in the name of the father the son the holy ghost and make disciples of them. Disciple means follower, student. Christ dose not asks this of us he expects it. Jn. 8:12 go unto the world and tell them I am the light of the world he who follows me will not walk in the darkness but have the light of life. Again follow me. When you are an apprentice you follow that person and do everything they do. So being a disciple of Christ we follow and do what he dose. Mat. 4:19 Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Salvation is free but not cheap. The cost to you is to give up all you know. Give up everything!! This is really hard to understand, how do we give every thing up for God? How do you dedicate fifteen minuets to God to read your Bible. How will you not just read and pray and believe? What will you do, what are your works? You see we seem to have some kind of categories for Christian's. Once in a while Christians, they believe they go to church once in a while. We have devout christians every Sunday every Wednesday read their Bibles till pages fall out, but don't really bare a cross for Christ. Afraid to get involved. afraid to fail. Then we have what we call Bible thumpers lol. Disciples of Christ, follow, lead, doing works for God. Teaching others how to be disciples. We can not just believe, we have to follow Christs every move. Become disciples and make disciples and you will have a purpose. Seek ye first and all these things will be added unto you. Remember that verse? Serve him and none other leave all behind, leave every sin at the way side. Love him first have more love for him and pledge allegiance to him first. Put him before your wife your parents and your friends. Luk 14:26 If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.
Luk 14:27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me, he cannot be My disciple.
You see though put him before none other and work for him. Everything else will fall in place. You will be come a good son, father,husband,lover. The Bible dose not give us a choice you either do these things or you are not a disciple of Christ. There is no kinda or just a believer. Either you are willing to bare your cross for him and become his disciple or you are not. Stop asking if we are able! Of course we are able God gave us the ability, ask your self are you willing? When you fall will you get up and try again? You will get up because god will give you the strength but will you start again? So I part today with two questions: "Are you a believer or a disciple"? "Are you ready to move from going to the church and become the church"? Lets pray " Father I come before you today and ask to be near you, to be more like you. Lord Jesus help me not only to reach out to the lost but help them to to become disciples for you. I just want to be like you Jesus, put no one before you, be able to love and live as you did. I thank you for your sacrifice that it bought my sin. Lord forgive me when I fall short. I am aware of of your awesome power and thankful for your grace. I understand father that it is your choice you save and forgive me. Not by my works, nor by my faith but because of my faith. Let me reach out unto the world and share your message help find the lost and lead them not only to you but teach them how to find the lost and lead them and teach. Grant me the peace to understand that I will never understand your vastness. Walk with me lord and I thank you that my words may fall before you through the name of Jesus because of his shed blood. In his name I pray Amen".

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