From self Justification to Sanctification Dec. 7, 2008
I have been the product of many miss leading thoughts through my years, like many of us have. Mostly because of satin and his stumbling blocks he oh so loves to place in our way. Mostly I can say these relate in a serious struggle we face that we may not even see as a struggle. Most recently I write about the Bible and the worlds views and opinions on translation. Many tell us to justify generally, that the greatest book ever written has been seriously miss interpreted to exclude acceptance of many immoral ways of the world. I have a serious struggle with this through the years. Told my self and many others that a God who created Love could never create something so pure and frankly an emotion so close to his heart and call it a sin. And if it were a sin than love would not be present due to the fact that satin is unable to provide this emotion as we all well know. But don’t forget or know this rather satin can and dose mask and replicate even those sacred emotions we hold dear from our God such as love. Well thank God for this FACT, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever Hebrews 13:8. Thus setting this in stone the Bible is watched and protected by God himself, never letting the hand of human miss lead misinterpret or molest the word to his people. Leaving us with this, sins which you commit outside his body, are commited against the world, but he who sins sexually sins against his body. Do you not know that the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. So by self justification by world misconception by pure disobedience it is all spiritual blindness and deafness satin has his grip on you. Run and seek sanctification rather than evil justification follow the spirit it will guide you. Obey the laws of God. Ask for the lord to reveal himself and speak to you I assure you he will gladly deliver you to safety. Now when your answer is or the worlds words to you are lonely walks of lack of companionship laugh and return the stupidity with this. The Lord is my companion I find strength and conversation in his word. And when its human touch and closeness you desire his people and disciples are there for fellowship to keep you close to God. With this in mind turn yourself without hesitation and in entirety give your whole heart to God no strings attached and with out conditions. He will dwell in the depths of your soul and grant you his peace.- “Lord I kneel before you with a bleeding heart Lord we thank you for your forgiveness and the sacrifice you made to buy our souls so we may have eternal life even through our sinful nature. Lord let this message reach the ends of the world and save those miss guided miss informed and plain disobedient Lord sanctify us in your name and walk with us on lonely days and days full of sunshine we thank you lord for never leaving us. Lord I cry out to you with pain in my heart and breathless this is a struggle that takes all my energy and am thankful lord for your strength. I put my hands up in surrender Lord I am your servant use me I commit my self to you Lord with no conditions. Through your saving grace I pray lord for forgiveness and strength. Amen
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