Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Disiciples of Christ!

We once were lost but now we are found. They are lost but we will find them! But then what? We as the church seek the lost but then what do we do with them? You see we bring people to believe in Christ and what he has done but then what do we do with the soul we help get to Jesus. Many times I have heard people say I can plant the seed and I can lead them to God, but then Jesus takes over. In Mat. 28:18-20 Jesus commands not asks commands us to go unto the world and baptise in the name of the father the son the holy ghost and make disciples of them. Disciple means follower, student. Christ dose not asks this of us he expects it. Jn. 8:12 go unto the world and tell them I am the light of the world he who follows me will not walk in the darkness but have the light of life. Again follow me. When you are an apprentice you follow that person and do everything they do. So being a disciple of Christ we follow and do what he dose. Mat. 4:19 Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Salvation is free but not cheap. The cost to you is to give up all you know. Give up everything!! This is really hard to understand, how do we give every thing up for God? How do you dedicate fifteen minuets to God to read your Bible. How will you not just read and pray and believe? What will you do, what are your works? You see we seem to have some kind of categories for Christian's. Once in a while Christians, they believe they go to church once in a while. We have devout christians every Sunday every Wednesday read their Bibles till pages fall out, but don't really bare a cross for Christ. Afraid to get involved. afraid to fail. Then we have what we call Bible thumpers lol. Disciples of Christ, follow, lead, doing works for God. Teaching others how to be disciples. We can not just believe, we have to follow Christs every move. Become disciples and make disciples and you will have a purpose. Seek ye first and all these things will be added unto you. Remember that verse? Serve him and none other leave all behind, leave every sin at the way side. Love him first have more love for him and pledge allegiance to him first. Put him before your wife your parents and your friends. Luk 14:26 If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.
Luk 14:27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me, he cannot be My disciple.
You see though put him before none other and work for him. Everything else will fall in place. You will be come a good son, father,husband,lover. The Bible dose not give us a choice you either do these things or you are not a disciple of Christ. There is no kinda or just a believer. Either you are willing to bare your cross for him and become his disciple or you are not. Stop asking if we are able! Of course we are able God gave us the ability, ask your self are you willing? When you fall will you get up and try again? You will get up because god will give you the strength but will you start again? So I part today with two questions: "Are you a believer or a disciple"? "Are you ready to move from going to the church and become the church"? Lets pray " Father I come before you today and ask to be near you, to be more like you. Lord Jesus help me not only to reach out to the lost but help them to to become disciples for you. I just want to be like you Jesus, put no one before you, be able to love and live as you did. I thank you for your sacrifice that it bought my sin. Lord forgive me when I fall short. I am aware of of your awesome power and thankful for your grace. I understand father that it is your choice you save and forgive me. Not by my works, nor by my faith but because of my faith. Let me reach out unto the world and share your message help find the lost and lead them not only to you but teach them how to find the lost and lead them and teach. Grant me the peace to understand that I will never understand your vastness. Walk with me lord and I thank you that my words may fall before you through the name of Jesus because of his shed blood. In his name I pray Amen".

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Keep It Simple Son!

Mat 14:27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, Be of good cheer, I AM! Do not fear. Simple and to the point today! I know that the Lord is great and his power is unfathomable!! Prayer is the answer to all life's problems and I know God listens. simple this is a life testimony of my two Just Pray post! It works try it teach it. When I was a kid and at church camp in order to be let in to the mess hall (the place we ate in lol) we had to sing a song that repeated and we had to get louder and louder and LOUDER! It is called "when the roll is called up yonder". Not the one you may know from old hymnals but very similar. It goes like this- "When the roll is called up yonder I will be marching down the kings highway. Tell me the old old story I love it better everyday. I will make you fishers of men if you only follow me. Hallelujah praise the savior I am from sin set your from sin set we are all from sin set free"! I love this song and when I need a lift or to remember as an adult the simple lessons learned as a child are the most important lessons and agendas as an adult! That simple short song is the great commission, your only job here on earth. Simple is the way I learned to pray. K.I.S.S.= keep it simple son. God dose not need big long words that you have heard over and over but have no clue what they mean. Just tell him what you feel what you need remember he knows your heart already!! So I end this simple lesson by simply asking you to keep it simple. Save lives, share your story and Gods! Simply remember God is listening and his eye is on you find joy in that! Lets pray " Father I simply want to thank you for answered prayers! For your sacrifice that saved my soul! Please guide me on this journey and give many opportunity's to simply share your word. Forgive my sins, it is through Jesus Christ's holly name I pray Amen"!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Let Us Pray!

Lord, I thank you for hearing me, I humble myself at your throne and ask for your forgiveness. I thank you for answering my prayers. Please watch over me and protect me, give me strength. I will worship and praise your name no matter where my feet will be. Please bless and keep all who read here, let them find strength and guidance. Thank you Lord for giving this place to share your word. Forgive my sins renew and rebuild me in your sons name I pray Amen.
Prayer.....words from our heart to God. I have wrote about prayer many times these days. In fact it is my theme for myself, you, your family and anyone you meet this year. You may ask why is that your theme with so much else going on? War, financial trouble,violence,immorality,illness,and death just to name a few issues that probably effect you and your family's. Do you see anything on this list you can change? Or have an answer for? No! No you don't! The only thing you can do is put these things in Gods hands through prayer. So with all there is to read on this site please see that each one is closed in prayer, many include discussion about prayer. Do you see a theme? If the power in my area were to go out tonight, or some unforeseen event should happen that would cease post's for a moment (Lord forbid), please continue to read re-read and share this message. "Pray, pray so hard and so long and about all things. Pray for thanks, an in all things be thankful even if its strife or misfortune. Thank God for giving you the time to be humbled that it's his will, learn and grow at times of low. Pray for health and spiritual growth. Pray for others first your self last. Remember these things always Phil. 4:4-7 "Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything,but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your request to the God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus". Make what you say to the Lord be known by thanking him, thanking him for listening for already knowing what you need and by thanking him for answering just when HE knows you need it. Have you ever been so deep in thought about a decision or situation and you cant make it or just need to chat about it? Do you have that special person you always go to they listen so well and always have just the right answer or thing to say? Let the Lord be that person wont you? Prayer dose not have to be out loud but can be. You can talk to God just as you would talk to your best friend. Just start in mid sentence he already knows your heart. Involve him, ask him, thank him let him know you love him. Tell him how you feel. He listens!! We start a brand new era today, with a new administration in our country. And with some an era has been closed. Some continue to face serious adversity others are not aware at all of anything around them. Some have finished exams in school and others are looking for signs to go back to school. Hearts ring out with joy today yet others are lost in sorrow. I offer this wont you share it. Pray! Pray for new, pray for old, pray for loss. "Lord God almighty I fall at your throne beat full of sin and thank you for the lessons you are teaching me. I stand amazed Lord on a day when so many people cheer for change and welcome it with open arms. I pray for these changes to be overseen with your mighty hand. Guide and keep safe these events. While others Lord mourn I pray you grant them peace and help them to find you in this ruff patch. I pray they see it not as an end but a beautiful begging. I pray for all those who are being tested on learned lessons rather in life or school they do well. This day Lord I pray you are with those facing adversity in their lives give them strength bless and keep them. With all these thing Lord I pray with thanksgiving for your grace and power. I stand in awe of you. Forgive us Lord bless and keep us. Amen".

Monday, January 19, 2009

"Seasons of Love"

This is for you Megan!!
"525,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes - how do you measure,
measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee. In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife. In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?How about love?How about love? How about love? Measure in love. Seasons of love." One of my favorite Broadway productions...Over and over in the Bible Jesus teaches LOVE! Love your neighbor as your self-Mat. 19:19. Even sinners love those who love them Lk. 6:32, Love the Lord your God Mat. 22:37. I could write for hours quoting what the Lord said about love. In this world we live in today the news is filled with death and war. Hate and crime,"525,600 minutes! 525,000 journeys to plan. 525,600 minutes - how can you measure the life of a woman or man"? If you had to measure your life how would you do it? By years at a job? On how many sunsets you saw, how many wife's you had? LOVE!! If you are full of love you are not able to be filled or captivated by hate. Jn. 14:15 says if you love me you will obey what I say. You see if you are loving yourself your neighbor your children or family you are probably finding yourself obeying God."In truths that she learned, or in times that he cried. In bridges he burned, or the way that she died". If you dwell on the things you have lost or failed, the lessons not won or the way you may die. My guess is you are not filled with love, to be filled with love is to be filled with Christ. In this new year start a tradition start a new way of living rather. Love, share it, show it, live it. Stand up and speak out! Remember his love for you for me. Share the story that never ends of love and compassion. How will you measure your year? How will you measure your life?"It’s time now to sing out, tho the story never ends let's celebrate remember a year in the life of friends. Remember the love! Remember the love! Remember the love! Measure in love. Seasons of love! Seasons of love. Lets pray " Lord I thank you so much for teaching me the gentle way and how to love. Lord please help me to love more, let it be seen just by how I love that I am a christian. Thank you for loving me with no condition. Forgive my sins and bless my life and those who are reading this. Help us love each other more and spread it through the world. It is in your sons name we ask for forgiveness and pray Amen".

Sunday, January 18, 2009

God's Gifts

Don't you enjoy getting gifts? Better yet my favorite is giving gifts. What are your favorite gifts? Is it a piece of jewelry, cloths a picture? Forgiveness, everlasting life, unending love,flowers, rain, sunshine? I could go on and on. God gives some of the most wonderful gifts and in my opinion the best gifts I have ever received. What are your special God given gifts? we are all blessed with the gifts of God in the world of creation, and in his wonderful promises. But what did he give you and only you? The ability to cook, to draw to speak? The gift of listening? Do you know what it is God has blessed you with? If you do know or you think you know, what are your plans for it? Do you think you knew but then up popped a new talent? Do you think God only gives us one gift? Maybe you have never taken the time to think about what your spiritual gifts are? Maybe you have but gave up on trying to find out where you may use them because you don't understand how it fits in to Gods plan. Galatians 6:4 says "make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then seek yourself into that". It talks about work, you have a job you go to each day, sometimes or many times really people are working not using there talents. Going to work where better money may be? Or you have just not discovered yet what the gifts of God in your life are? You know what you are good at, 1 Tim. 4:14 says do not neglect the gifts in you. My mom wrote a baby book for handicapped children years ago. She wrote this book to document the special times of children with handicaps because they happen at different times than children who develop at what we call a normal speed. This book came without ever thinking she may be a writer you see my mom and step dad adopted twins with special needs and found themselves frustrated without a book to record all the special events of my sisters. You see God gave us the gift of the special girls which I will write about another day, but blessed my mom with the gift of creating this book. My mom did not ever think she may be an author but God spoke to her and told her what to do to help others. When we use these gifts we make God smile. But if you don't use these gifts or give and effort to find out what they are even is as if you are refusing a gift from God? Could you imagine if you got someone a gift and they did not want it? What would you do how would you feel? I don't think you would intentionally shun Gods gifts. But don't enjoy some of Gods gifts without making use of the ones he gives you to do his work. Share them and with a smile do Gods work. Lets pray, "Lord I thank you so much for my many talents. I do hope Lord I make you proud when I use them, and I hope I use them in accordance to the way you'd have me use them. Lord help me find ways to use them more often and to become better at them. I thank you Lord for all the gifts you bless this world with, the beauty, you could have made everything 2-d and in black and white but you didn't. You could have made every flower smell the same and yet you didn't. Thank you Lord for these gifts and for the ability to make you smile when I use them. Forgive me where I fall short Lord. Help me to see the world with eyes like yours prejudice free, help me to hear the world with ears like yours with love. Help me to speak to the world with your tongue softly and gently. Lord I do hope your face lights up when I exercise the gifts you packed in me. Forgive my sins and it is through Christ's most holly name I pray Amen".

Three Nails!!

Three nails and nine words! "I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God"! A slow walk from a beaten bleeding man.... being cursed and mocked. Spit on yelled at, stumbling on uneven stone, beat some more....eyes blurred my guess is seeing double. So thirsty and yet through this all continued to walk. He could have sent legions of angels to destroy anyone who whispered a cross word. But he kept walking, falling in pain. He got to the place they call Golgotha, they lay down what we call a tree. But it was two heavy splintered pieces of wood bound together to make a cross. Naked being striped of his cloths with bleeding open wounds, fear and anger PAIN. They stretched out his wounded body with a huge strike they drove the first nail through his wrist and my guess a few more to be sure it was secure in the wood. then repeated it on the other arm. They took his feet I assume together with a jumping thrust my guess they started the third nail through his two ankles, hammering until secure. They stood this "tree" we call it with such a delicate nature, up my guess is jostling the worn injured bleeding body of Christ. With a mighty final thrust. Leaving this frail man to be suffocated after many hours of more taunting and deprived of drink. Christ's lowered his head letting the world know it was finished. My savior my Lord endured that for me. For you, for all who believe in him. I in the words of Paul am the worst sinner. I am human and fall short in may different ways each day. I am given chance after fighting chance to prove my self worthy and fall short each time. But are you not glad of the words over and over from Christ. 1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I am amazed "faithful and Just", he told us this is what he would do and no matter how much or how many times, just confess and with your heart be sorry. Leave it be he says. Leave it to him. Faithful and Just, do believe that? We sin and sin over and over many times the same sin we just asked to be abolished. Faithful and Just he calls it. Call upon him for forgiveness and he was already there ready. You know I am so glad for this, could you imagine if your salvation was judged or given to you by the law of man. By man who himself repeatedly ask for Gods grace and forgiving hand, is ready to condemn many times upon first mistake. These things will not change man from the begging of time has seen the splinter in ones eye but ignored the log in his own. Mat. 7-15. I don't share with you today a personal story to parallel this lesson as there are far to many. I like Paul am the worst sinner. Today don't reflect your own personal stories either Christ said bring it to my feet with a believing heart and leave it. Don't dwell don't revisit it. So do that reflect on how grateful you are for Gods forgiving grace. Three nail's nine words and the death of the only perfect man= I Am Free! Will you please pray with me? "God in times of our shortcomings we come to you and ask forgive us Lord. We sometimes feel this is the majority of our conversations with you, and start to feel remorse, I am thankful Lord for your grace. Thank you for enduring such great pain for me Lord, and watching me day in and out commit the same sins over and over. Lord I pray with thanksgiving to you today for these gifts you give us. I pray for strength to share these gifts and to have forgiveness in my heart like you do for me. Lord bless me with strength, guide me with it help me keep faith with it and help me share you with others through it. Dry mine eyes Lord lift my head to worship you no matter where my feet may be. It is with this ultimate sacrifice and your grace that these words are able to fall upon your ears Christ in your name Amen".

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Through The Narrow Gate!

Robert Frost once wrote a poem titled "The Road Less Traveled", in this famous and often quoted poem it speaks of two choices given to a traveler. The first often walked and beat down by foot steps and the second less worn and not as well trimmed. The traveler chooses the path less beat by the heavy tread of those before him. Though it is maybe not the most popular he knows its claim at the end is a better reward.In Matthew 7:13 it speaks of a way through a narrow gate or a wide gate. Choosing the wide gate representing the way without God is the way of the world. It leads to destruction and states many enter through it. It tells us easy is the way on this wide gate, indicating taking the narrow gate may be a bit turfier not as easy. But I ask is it? Is it easier by choosing ways of the world? Sins that lead to sleepless nights, worry, illness,short comings with the law, financial troubles. Is this easier? It may seem at the moment but this gate leads to destruction not only of human life but spiritual after life. Ever heard of mind over matter? Putting egocentric thoughts and perceptions aside, if you sike your self out telling yourself it is just harder to live as God intends, abandoning what you see as friends and worldly tares it is not hard and not so lonely. No in fact it is uplifting and enlighten. But the choice is yours Max Lucado writes in "He Chose the Nails" about God giving us a choice. Some examples in the Bible being narrow gate or wide gate (Mat.7:13-14) big crowd or small crowd (mat 7:13-14) Build on rock or sand (Mat. 7:24-27) One of Gods greatest gifts is the ability to choose. But I ask "What will you choose? Where will you build? What will you do when the rain comes down, the streams rise the winds blow and beat against your house? (Mat.7:27)" I have chosen the way of truth!! Psm. 119:30. When I was 13 my family went to New York, we were staying in New Jersy. When we arrived near our hotel we could see it just across the high way. We traveled in circles for hours constantly passing our hotel just out of reach but always in site. We did this for hours. We were traveling in two car loads so we decided for one of the cars that could fit under the airports overpass to pull in and ask for directions, while the other being a van with a large luggage carrier that would not fit stays behind and awaited the much needed answer as we were are becoming very tired and loosing strength. Mean while the airport closed that terminal separating both cars and neither received the answer we needed so much. So here we are separated driving still in circles. We figured out that our intended point of rest was separated by a U turn to allow entry into their drive. This never occurred to us because in our state U turns are ill-legal. But we all found our way and just in the nick of time as we had been traveling many many hours and were short on strength and patience. You see sometimes U turns are not always bad or illegal, in some cases your only choice to your resting place. Are you in need of a U turn? Wont you do so now your bed is being prepared the mint is being placed on your pillow don't continue to drive in circles. Lets Pray " Lord thank you so much giving us the gift of choice. Most of all thank you for giving us the ability to make U turns when headed in the wrong direction. I pray Lord you help us when making these decisions. Lord help us to help others on there journey, as we all travel these roads together, help us lead one another to your narrow gate and the entrance to your kingdom. Help me lord to hear the world with your ears and see it with your eyes and speak with your tongue. I choose the way of truth Lord help me to share it with others. It is because of the sacrifice you made we have these gifts. In your sons most holy name I pray Amen".

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thirst for God!

In a nation that is abundant with all you can eat and drink options, we seem to have no problem finding all types of food and beverages that will fill us to the brim when hungry. As a culinary student I am very passionate about food, and seem to know it well. Have you ever been so hungry you think you could eat an entire cow, Hahaha? But when you find yourself in one of these all you can eat restaurants you don't really eat as much as you may have thought you would? In retrospect though have you ever been so thirsty you just don't seem to be able to get enough to quench your thirst? You eventually however get your fill. But before long you are thirsty again, hungry again. When in this search for these special all you can eat and drink places sometimes they are our answer because we just cant decide what it is we want, we just don't know what it is.... Spiritual thirst is like this. We thirst for God in so many ways. With prayers and request to our God we pray and fervently ask Lord I want to know you more. The more you seek him the more you want to seek him more know him better. Like these restaurants the world too is full of places unending to fulfill the humans desires, but before long and always you find your self just not quite satisfied. Though you may find happiness or satisfaction it is for a short time. Unlike feeding your soul and refreshing it through God. God gives us peace for the moment and a desire to to seek him more. The worlds buffets through satin constantly try to lure us to feast and fill up on worldly desire and actions, but leaving us displaced, empty, not satisfied. My Grandfather is a life long student of God. He has spent his entire life searching learning and sharing God. Still to this day he is much older wiser and has many things to share about his studies and his learned lessons. Yet he still strives daily to know God more, I couldn't think of what it is he dose not know. Paul was like this. The Apostle Paul must have similarly impressed others in his day. Despite all his maturity in Christ, all he had seen and experienced, late in life (in Philippians 3:10) Paul wrote of the passion that propelled him: "that I may know Him." What is he talking about? Didn't he already know Jesus more closely than perhaps anyone else ever will? Of course he did. But the more he knew Jesus, the more he wanted to know Him. The more Paul progressed in spiritual strength, the more thirsty for God He became. The writer of Psalm 42 has a similar thirst he writes " As a deer pants for the water brooks so pants my soul for you. When Christ told us in John 4:14 saying "whoever drinks of the water that I give him will never thirst". Just like these all you can eat places however you become hungry again you thirst again but can continue to be left empty. Maybe that place with all its options still did not have the meal you sought. Either way your body was left hungry again. Our human body's will continue to remain left unsatisfied in what ever we quench it with in the world, whatever sinful desire we try to satisify, or simply try to find happiness without God. So why dose a believer thirst so much even after receiving this water that is given from Christ in John? The water dose not destroy your thirst. If this were the case you have no need for his water afterward when you drink of this Christ given water it gives you a spring so you know where to find a drink when you need it. As you drink more from this fountain you require more from it, you want others to drink from it. People who do not receive this drink will continually be unfulfilled not knowing what it is they don't have not sure just what is missing from there life. A Christian's life can become arid even after receiving this fountain for many reasons, one very common is drinking from the fountains of the world and not retreating to his eternal fountain to refresh his soul and body. Matthew 5:6 a thirsting desire for the Lord and his rightouness is a blessing. This is because the holly spirit is at work in you. When the Holly Spirit is at work it too like your human conscious is putting your mind and body to work. In 1 Cor. 6:19 tells us our body's are temples and the holy spirit dwells and works there. Find blessing in your thirst for God. Retreat often to this fountain and replenish your soul, Read his word Pray never ceasing to want to be close and talk to God, Grow and be happy. God gives us this desire to want unending happiness. When you require a true thirst for God you long for even more. Do you thirst for God? Thirst is God-planed, for part of growth of a soul toward it"s heavenly home. Lets Pray " Lord God I want to Know you, I want to be close to you. Lord please let me meditate your word not just read it. Lord I thank you for the water you quench my thirst for you with. Like my Grandpa and the apostle Paul I want to know you and share you with the world. Help teach me how to gain refuge in you. Lord help me to see with your eyes speak with your tongue and hear with your ears. Lord I thank you for the cost of this fountain that is given freely to me. it is through your holy name I thank you and please forgive me Lord when I find retreat from the world, but thank you when become arid and thirsty that you are there to refresh me. Forgive my sins and it is through your sons name I pray Lord Amen"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What did I forget??? What was It???

I am not very old, hahaha. But I find myself being very forgetful thees days. I will walk all the way to a new room and in that short time forget why I even got up lol. Ever get cereal and try to put it in the fridge and the milk in the cubbord? Boy I hope your answer is yes hehehe, make me feel so much better. Getting busy even overwhelmed a bit is normal and happens to the best of us. So maybe you don't put milk in the cubbord, but how many times do we lay down at night and say gosh I have not spoke to Christ thees days? or I sure wish I could find a Church in my area. But drift away.... wake up a new day but with your calender on your mind instead. When I forget..... when we forget to say I am sorry, I love you Lord. When I tell my friend that God loves him. When I am I glad his response is I love you I forgive you. Ever feel like you forgot something but just don't know what it is? Is it you had the opportunity to speak up speak out? You missed it or...just couldn't grab the torch? What will it take for me to help remind myself, what will it take for you to remind yourself. Perhaps a little more quiet time with god, open up his word a bit more. Pray a bit longer more often. But what if I forget? I wonder how many episodes of your favorite show you miss? Or how many times do you forget to watch the game when your boys are playing? oh I see you have DVR! OK great got it!!! so when you record your favorite show and find your self just bout to sit down and catch up. Open that great book, say a prayer reflect for 5 Min's what God has blessed you with in the past few days. Thank him tell him you love him. I sure hope we can remember this together. I know that when we forget to say we are sorry I am so sorry. When I forget to give God all Glory, I am thankful he says you are welcome you are forgiven. Thank you Father!! Lets pray together- "Dear God, thank you so much for all you do. Thank you for being so patient,and for wiping clean our sins even when we forget...forget to to say we love you. Forget to ask you, thank you for being right there when we come around. You truly are an awesome God. Please hear us now and we are great full you do hear us we Love you and thank you. Hear our earnest apologies now for our sinful ways. Help give us strength to forget less and remember more. Help me father to see the world better with your eyes and hear with less judgement by listening with your ears. Lord help me please to speak softer and with love with your lips. It is you all Glory is due God. Through your sons most holy and precious name I pray Amen."

Sunday, January 4, 2009

So I say Pray!

Happy New Year!! I am sorry I have been lax in getting my blogs out these days, however I have found myself really busy. I hope that 2009 will bring you precious gifts from God, and I pray that you use this year to work harder for God! I have made a commitment to Christ, to surround my self in his ministries. I want this years motto for not only me but you as well to be: PRAY MORE! This is the way we communicate with our Lord. Are you praying enough? I believe the proper answer to this is no. We could always use to pray more. Prayer is very important, we are instructed many times over in the Bible to continue in prayer. At all times to make our request known to God. I think we need to remember just as in life also in prayer, others first ourselves last. Keeping Joy in your life will keep you a humble Christ driven Christian. J=Jesus first O= others second Y= yourself last. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God”.- Php 4:6. These words pack a lot in such a short sentence. Not only are we being told to be calm not anxious, about anything. If you put things in perspective have you ever had a situation that’s worse than sacrificing your only son? Driving nails in his arms and legs then hanging him to die by suffocation? My guess is no, just know God tells us to pray about all your needs. Now lets look at how he asks us to make these request known to him. With thanksgiving! No matter what the situation be thankful. Mat 21:22 And all things, whatever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive. Just remember God may not always answer when you ask for it but don’t forget God is never late he knows just when you need what you need! Start speaking to God more even if you think you are praying all the time find more time to speak to our Lord. With thanksgiving let your request be known to him, don’t forget to tell him you love him ask him to help you to open opportunities to share his great word. I promise this is a prayer that will be answered fairly quickly. Make 2009 a year to be written about. Lets win souls in mass for our father. I feel great reward when I make my father proud both earthly and Heavenly. Pray to know how to speak to others about Christ, it is an easy topic to talk about at church or maybe even home but out of fear or maybe just simply because we don’t know what to say….PRAY about it. Fill your Church Find new places to spread Gods word. Evaluate where u are with this new year goal and make it an all year habit. I pray for you, I pray for the denominations of the world to see we are here for one fight and that is to win souls for Christ share with them the sacrifice that’s all ready paid for their salvation. So I say….”Pray”! “Lord God I come before you with gratitude for a new year with new Beginnings. I pray for my Church and its growth, and anyone’s eyes that catch this page Lord that if they need an introduction to you that you give me and opportunity to make that connection. I thank you Lord for you Love and sacrifice for my soul. Lord I pray that you find a place in your ministry for me, thank you father for hearing us when we pray and for your guidance. Lord thank you for letting me hear your world with your ears and seeing their hearts with your eyes and speaking to them with your tongue. Lord bless this site and help it be a tool to inspire and to teach. All glory to you God for the great things that may come from it. In Christ holy name I pray Amen”.

Faith without works? December 26, 2008--Eric Morris
Faith is something we practice each day. We have faith the car behind us when on approach will stop before hitting our car. We have faith in the phone we dial on will connect to the other party, we have faith God hears when we ask for his answers. You see we fall short without realizing it many times a day however. We pray to our father and ask him to take our sin heal our sick and guide us in life. WE fret all day and some days for days at a time on these request we have made known to God. I want you to know this, God gets angry with us, he sees this act as distrust. We give him a burden and ask for his help and we can not even trust enough to let it go, as if we have a need for control, fooling ourselves that we are in control. Keeping these sins these burdens in your heart and on your mind my friends are keeping them alive! Keeping your sights off God, altering your salvation. Let go and let God! We learn lessons each day sometimes more than just one a day hahha, and as we learn, and think we have grown we are tested to see if we really learned that lesson. I believe the lesson of faith is no different. We will be tested to see if we have learned how to have faith. Which takes me to my next point , My uncle mark wrote a song about faith without works is like a screen door on a submarine. Do you see a use for a screen door on a submarine? I hardly think it would be effective actually think of, the despair it could cause. Faith without works is useless. Share this faith with the world your neighbor your family, your co worker. Faith without works is dead. You may say but I do not understand over and over the Bible says through your faith you are saved. Romans 4 says Abraham was justified by…. FAITH. Romans 3 says no man is justified by works. But it dose say in James 2:20 faith without works is dead. This means you may claim to have saving faith and live with this in your heart however if you are not living proof of your faith where is your salvation? Your faith should manifest itself and others should see living proof of it. The Lord knows we are but dust weak and fall short God never leaves our side and is there to strengthen and continue to teach us when at first we do not learn any lesson. Have steadfast faith and let it be evident to the world you are saved! “ lord God hear my prayer and I am thankfull Lord you do hear my prayers. Lord I pray to have faith like paul and like Abraham, let me not only have this saving faith in my heart but on my lips lord and let me teach others how to have the same kind of faith. Like Jacob and Isaac let me stand fast and wait on you lord and know you will come to claim me. Please Lord let me hear when you return that you found me with this faith and let all who see me Lord know I have faith. Let me hear the needs of the world with your ears so I may be a helpful servant let me speak of you with a Christ like tongue and understand with a heart like yours. It is through your holy name I pray Lord Amen”.

Life and Death!! By: Eric Morris Dec.17,2008
I wrote the other day about the great commission. Hoping all that read will have a spark lit to create a flame of saving soldiers into their corners of the world. I find it refreshing when God speaks and then reiterates it over and over . I attended service the next day and the pastors message was on reaching into the world and saving souls. In conjunction with changing a bit to fit in where you need to save those souls. I have found this so many times in my life to be an amazing thing. Funny thing was I wasn’t really changing to fit in I was in a place where I probably shouldn’t be. But God was able to whisper to me and spark a conversation that not only delivered me from darkness many times, it help me shed a light for some one lost in the darkness. I would like to re visit a portion of this topic all ready written about this week, the fact that in our world, our school or place of work. All these places are full of souls that are dying, we are talking about life and death here. We are building walls out of unnecessary stumbling blocks. Why you should not sing to a musical instrument, why don’t you do this or that. Let me help a little. If God did not say this will condemn your soul? Why are you willing to sacrifice another’s soul or maybe even your own by loosing a God like heart over simple traditions? We should be finding a gentle but certainly effective way to teach the important issues such as Mark 16:16 without baptism you will not see the kingdom of God. What will it take for you to first believe the importance yourself so that you repent and help tend to Gods flock? The traditions we hold so dear that make us set in our ways, not willing to budge and meet on common ground! After all can I say again this is a matter of life and death. I once heard if all the religions would come together and fight for the one cause we all hold so dear! And rightfully so! For the father that bore his only son slain for the sinners of all kinds for it was for the sinners he died not the saved. Stop causing barriers not to share your message or rather share the correct message God sent his only son to save you and me from our sin. That all he ask is to believe this repent where we fall short and be buried in baptism so that we may spend eternity with him in heaven. This is what matters, this is the message Paul, and John like many others took to the ends of the world wont you take it at least to your neighbors? “Lord I come before you with the world on my heart, I my self included Lord. Why do we find it so hard to talk about your name? With such a gift the chance to live forever with you the opportunity not burn forever in the depths of hell. But yet we find it hard to invite one person to church on Sunday, ask a simple question concerning ones eternal life? Lord help me find the gentle words that will unite the world as one army in the name of Jesus. Lord save us from the ruts we lay in wrapped in excuses of why we didn’t or wont and cant speak about you. Lord with your help give the vision through your eyes to see where I may help, with your ears let me hear the needs and with your tongue spread your love and saving message. Lord with your heart let me discern what is important to hold as tradition that keeps your children from worship. In the name of your son by your grace it is that I make these request with Thanksgiving father. Amen “.

Quiet my Soul! Dec.17 2008
We rush up in the mornings keep calendars to remind us how very busy we are. All I hear is noise. Noise of the world. There is a group from the Ohio Valley University that ministers with music named Express. I have cherished this group for years although they change as the generations move in and out. I recently found their web site with some music from the past years. One of there songs is called “Quiet my soul”, it says “ my life cries out like the raging waters its such a deafening sound that’s why I cry out Lord I want to quiet my soul. At the end of the day all I want to hear is you and the quiet of my soul”. the Bible says to be still and wait for me. Well I am not sure what it meant by still with the tugs of the world and the cracks to fall through daily. I believe that if we keep our eyes on God and remind our self’s daily that he is coming back for us, it will bring a bit of peace for the moment. I witness to you that the words of God spoken to us in the Bible never sound more soothing than when the waters of life are raging. Rather you are facing illness, stress with your job and family, struggles with God himself. When you find yourself with only God left. When that’s what you have been reduced to either by disaster or strife when all you have is God, find that God is enough. From the saving blood of Christ and the living water running through your veins ask the Lord to quiet your soul. As we know it is at these points he puts us on our knees to speak to us and guide our way. Instead of cursing your situation or even God humble yourselves on the side of the Lord and he will lift you up!! “Psa 46:10 Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted1 in the earth”. If you want to know how to quench your thirst from a well that never will run dry. If you’d like these waters to run through your veins and know the peace of the Lord please contact me send me a simple message so I can share with you the most important message. “Lord quiet my soul help me find peace. I pray lord that the raging waters will be calm. When I find my self Lord with all only you left in my life let me know you are all I need. Lord I am not where I want to be but I sure am better than where I was. It is not about me Lord I am but a blip of time your plan for the world but I pray Lord please use me to do thy will. Help me to speak to the world wit your tongue hear there needs with your ears and see with the way for myself lord with thine eyes. It is through your sons most precious name I pray and am saved Lord. Amen”

The great Commission=(mission)! Dec.12, 2008 Eric Morris
Romans 10:14 "How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed, and how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" The Lord asks us each one to tell about his amazing grace and his saving blood. His convictions to us are few although may not always be so simple. I ran across an article speaking about the ones that do not have the privilege to receive the message of Gods saving power and everlasting life? This was a question for discussion and he closed it off by saying “If God meant for them to hear by this time he would have gotten his word there by whatever means necessary”. It was a moment where I was aware of my mouth being open, but not sure what to say. But can say this….Man are you glad Jesus or John the Baptist Or Paul, David and Moses Abraham. I could go on a bit longer. But what if these men had the same opinion as this “preacher” has. I understand there to be plenty in this world who have not EVER heard the name Jesus and know of Gods love. I am well aware there are many who have and are suffering from spiritual deafness, blindness and need to be saved by hearing the word of God and shown how to see the miracles of the Lord in daily life. So that men are without no excuse as it says in Romans. Paul tells us to go and preach the word of god in your work place, at the market, where ever you should have a moment to ask “Have I told you God loves you today”? What a great conversation starter. Please know you are Gods plan. If not you who? If not now, when? There is a small theory not held by many but by some including C.S. Lewis that those who have not had the opportunity to hear the message of God and his sacrifice to the world, will be given a chance after they die. I have found no fact to this in the bible. Romans 3 10-12 is one of those passages you feel like a teenager being scorned by mom or dad. And with justified reason do you feel this way. I t says (paraphrased) There is not one righteous, not one. There is not one that understands there is not one who seeks for God all have turned aside they have become useless there is none that do good not even one. If Christ is the only way to salvation. Laws will not save us in the end rather obeyed to the “T” or not. Love although great to have will not save us in the end. The great commission is to believe repent be baptized in the submission of water like Christ did. Then fill the world with the great news how you were made sin free. In that order. Share this with every one so that like you yourself everyone has a chance. We are all under sin people are dieing without the word of God. There souls are going to hell. Reach out and reach down to lost sinners, reach up to the Lord for strength and guidance to strike up a conversation about where one may or may not be spending the rest of his life. don’t loose your salvation because you were afraid to share it. If these words fall upon your ears for the first time contact me I will gladly share with you what God has done for you and me.--”Lord God I come before you in awesome wonder. I am amazed Lord how people can be so reckless about your words. I am sorry for the many lost opportunities I have missed to share and show your works. Lord I pray for strength in this matter. Help me to have but one side to my coin and have a boiling hot temperature when it comes to my spirit so I am neither lukewarm or cold I stay a constant fired up sharp battle sword. I pray for all who need to hear your word Lord are some how brought into my life and I know where to find them. Forgive me where I fall short help me to hear the worlds cries with your ears see the worlds needs with your eyes and deliver your word with your tongue. Grant me understanding and wisdom father. It is through your sons most awesome name I pray. Amen”.---- Eric Morris

Broken roads. Dec.9 2008- Eric Morris
Rascal Flatts is one of my favorite groups, not only are they from my home town their music really speaks to me. One of my favorite songs is “God Bless The Broken Road”. The song talks about God blessing the broken road that led me straight to you. I have heard this song in many ways in my life the past few years. These days man I really hear it!! God Bless that road that led me to rock bottom and right back to salvation. Just when you think you have things figured out Hahaha. When you think you have found after that broken road the one or the thing that makes your heart whole which I have so many times, you find yourself back on that bumpy broken road, it says others were northern stars leading me to where you are leading me on my way. You know its true God sure lets you think you are in total control huh. Funny thing is this broken road sure dose lead somewhere! No fear, I bet you will find it surprising where and who’s waiting on that road. I thank God for the marvelous wonders in my life. After all the searching and all the times on the broken road I found he was the one waiting there for me and I kept walking still looking for my destination, that special one, who knew I was walking by him all along. Its that bright northern star that makes the best guide right. So now that road still may be pretty bumpy but at least you know you are not walking alone. Some of us find that special some one to walk this world with others simply cling to the hand of our Lord and listen carefully he has special direction for you. It is the very reason this road continues to seem broken. In fact when you stop in the stillness you see this road is not broken at all it’s the will of God and you are going to find your soul and your heart will be made whole. It really is a great relationship. So I too say again “God, Oh God bless this broken road that led me straight to you, all others and all my situations were like my northern stars leading straight back to you”. ---”Lord I thank you so much for all you do for me and the journeys you have delivered me through. Lord I thank you for all my very special friends and my family who like you in a way stand by me through these journeys good and bad. Lord I am so grateful to know a fulfilled sprit, heart, and soul. Lord I pray that I am able to see my way on this road I walk and when the roll is called up yonder I am seen as a fisher of man walked on your highway knowing I am of sin set free thank you for these words from such a young age that lead me today as I go. Lord let me walk this journey with your strength, listen with your ears lord, see my way with your eyes and help give direction with your compass. Forgive me Lord when I veer off the path. Through your sons name father I am blessed to be able to ask these things.- Amen

God's Will- Dec.8, 2008 Eric Morris
I heard a song the other day by Martina McBride titled “Gods Will”. She states she’s been Searching praying looking reading. She’s been fighting wondering thinking lost working wounded jaded hated loved. But is was not until she was still did she know Gods Will. This song could not have drifted into my life at a better time. I have recently been blessed with some time to be still. I to have found Gods will. When at last I stopped the ever fast paced thoughts and exercise of my mind was I able to hear God. He has always been talking leading guiding and watching, I just was not still and haven’t listened. We all have busy lives these days with work and school and life’s many challenges that cause us to be on the move and our minds to never stop and hear the laugh of a child the song of a bird or the word and will of God. When you stop the gears in your head, and surrender your soul to God, you are able to hear the words and direction that are being given. In the gospel of John it says “Be still and wait on the Lord”. The dire need for stillness is so that we know Gods will, in Eph. 5:17 it tells us to know Gods will. 1 Th. 4:3 it tells us we should be sanctified and avoid immorality. By no means is God telling us to stop praying, reading, and working. But take time for the Lord to stop and be still quiet and aware so you may hear his will. Ask all things to be given and done with his will. The ease and peace will be a welcomed change in your life. “ Lord I pray that you teach me to be still and wait on you. Father I thank you for down times welcomed and not so welcomed, I may not understand Lord the ruff low spots I find myself in but am thankful again that its here I am reminded not my will but yours Lord. Times get ruff and I get busy but with times like these I find a gentle and sometimes tough love reminder I’m not as busy as I should be doing your will. I pray Lord that I am working as you wish for me to complete my worldly task you have planned for me. I love you lord. Forgive me where I fall short. Help me to Hear you lord with your ears see you with your eyes and speak of you to others with your tongue and tend to my life and the lives of others with your Heart. I ask all these things with in your sons name. Amen

From self Justification to Sanctification Dec. 7, 2008
I have been the product of many miss leading thoughts through my years, like many of us have. Mostly because of satin and his stumbling blocks he oh so loves to place in our way. Mostly I can say these relate in a serious struggle we face that we may not even see as a struggle. Most recently I write about the Bible and the worlds views and opinions on translation. Many tell us to justify generally, that the greatest book ever written has been seriously miss interpreted to exclude acceptance of many immoral ways of the world. I have a serious struggle with this through the years. Told my self and many others that a God who created Love could never create something so pure and frankly an emotion so close to his heart and call it a sin. And if it were a sin than love would not be present due to the fact that satin is unable to provide this emotion as we all well know. But don’t forget or know this rather satin can and dose mask and replicate even those sacred emotions we hold dear from our God such as love. Well thank God for this FACT, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever Hebrews 13:8. Thus setting this in stone the Bible is watched and protected by God himself, never letting the hand of human miss lead misinterpret or molest the word to his people. Leaving us with this, sins which you commit outside his body, are commited against the world, but he who sins sexually sins against his body. Do you not know that the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. So by self justification by world misconception by pure disobedience it is all spiritual blindness and deafness satin has his grip on you. Run and seek sanctification rather than evil justification follow the spirit it will guide you. Obey the laws of God. Ask for the lord to reveal himself and speak to you I assure you he will gladly deliver you to safety. Now when your answer is or the worlds words to you are lonely walks of lack of companionship laugh and return the stupidity with this. The Lord is my companion I find strength and conversation in his word. And when its human touch and closeness you desire his people and disciples are there for fellowship to keep you close to God. With this in mind turn yourself without hesitation and in entirety give your whole heart to God no strings attached and with out conditions. He will dwell in the depths of your soul and grant you his peace.- “Lord I kneel before you with a bleeding heart Lord we thank you for your forgiveness and the sacrifice you made to buy our souls so we may have eternal life even through our sinful nature. Lord let this message reach the ends of the world and save those miss guided miss informed and plain disobedient Lord sanctify us in your name and walk with us on lonely days and days full of sunshine we thank you lord for never leaving us. Lord I cry out to you with pain in my heart and breathless this is a struggle that takes all my energy and am thankful lord for your strength. I put my hands up in surrender Lord I am your servant use me I commit my self to you Lord with no conditions. Through your saving grace I pray lord for forgiveness and strength. Amen

To Answer or not be to able To Answer? Dec. 6,2008
Answers? That’s a really tuff question when actually confronted with a question. Defend your position on something you feel great passion for. Why DID you vote for who your choice. Why do you feel equal rights should not be left to an individual? Why do you take Christ as your savior. Why do you have hope in this man? Where do you find what you tell me about? How do you defend what you say to me to be true? It says in 1 Peter to always be ready to be prepared to give an answer to everyone for the hope you have.I believe we all change our actions deflect dip around and avoid too many situations just not to defend or maybe to not bring up the conversation. Due to the “coolness” factor. Maybe not wanting to ruffle feathers, or maybe simply because we are not as sharp as we should be and do not know exactly where to find the passage and the words of God on that particular statement so we rather not say anything at all. But if we are asked about things that have no weight in our lives really and by that I mean our spiritual end as this life is so temporary we are but a mist. Should we not spend as much time sharpening our battle swords to save lives and word off satin, as we do keeping up on our favorite tv shows or being able to recite the very lyrics to our favorite songs. You will find initiating conversation about your hope and grace and planting seeds makes your spiritual walk with our Lord so much more fulfilling. In fact I do remember one of my favorite childhood songs is “It only Takes A Spark”. how true so I say to you strike the flint and start the fire I am convinced that this fire will be much more soothing than the fire that will proceed this life if we are only living a life of deity. So with this in mind. Go! Spread the message know why you have the hope you do. Have an answer when you are asked and spark a fire when you are not asked. Shout it from the mountain top what the Lord has done for you. I promise by sharing this wonderful news you will just be being to see what God has in store for you. “Dear Father I pray to you for my mind to retain, and heart to be ready to defend all that you have done, and continue to do for me. Lord help me to know where to find the answers and have the gentleness to deliver them with effectiveness. Lord help me to commit myself to my salvation more to my worldly desires and hobbies. Father forgive me for lost opportunity to plant your seed. Lord let me be ready to ignite fires in hearts and melt satins grip on this world, Lord Help me to Hear with your ears Speak with Your tongue And See with your eyes. Forgive me for my sins it is through the gracious shed blood of Christ name that we pray to you father. Amen

A Season Of Giving

"A Season Of Giving"?? Dec. 5, 2008
It is December, and in the United states stores and the internet alike are busting with people searching with frustration. Spending like mad. Worries about gas for the cars to get back and forth from work. Stress on how to juggle the mortgage or rent and the power who will heat the house? Where have we gone wrong? Mothers and Grandmothers ask kids for there wish list. Most without thought hand them over. Giving no thought at all to over heard conversations the night before about the family’s dilemmas with money. When did this become ok to teach children that’s its ok to ignore responsibility and spend what you don’t have. When did we need a &Season; to give. When did we forget why we are getting together and what we are celebrating? It makes me uncomfortable to be asked what I want for Christmas! I want a family drawn together with fellowship on there mind and happy thoughts and memories made. Delicious meals created. I want us as a whole to concentrate on giving to others what they NEED when we are able to provide it without going broke the entire year. Shouldn’t we remember that it was Christ that told us to give to others and serve him and no other. In Mathew we are told to give in secret (Mat. 6:4)&; In 2 Corinthians we are told that we receive Grace by giving (2 Cor. 8:7). Foster a sprit always that tells the world you belong to Christ without saying a word. This is achieved by helping others giving to those in need. If you truly sought out the real needs of your house hold what would they be? Try sharing the gift that’s already been given to all, an only sons life for the forgiveness of our sins! Now that’s a Father that knows giving huh! Slow down this year stop and thank God for the miracles and answered prayers every day. Focus on the moment you are in right now yesterday is lost you either achieved or did not no way to fix it, tomorrow is an illusion it dose not exist. Don’t get lost in the &Season of Giving;, get sanctified in the sprit of SAVING!!- &Dear Jehovah, father we come to you at a time where people are fighting yelling and loosing sleep. They are caught in a time of despair, unnecessary spending. Giving lord needs redefined for them. I pray lord this falls gently on those who have lost sight of you and help us Lord to slow down learn to thank you every time we speak to you. Request all of our needs to you Lord with thanksgiving. Forgive us lord for loosing sight and not harboring the love which you place in our hearts. Lord teach us to see with your eyes hear with your ears speak with your tongue and forgive with your heart. it is through Christ name that we pray forgive us for our sins father Amen

Cross Roads

Cross Roads By: Eric Morris Dec 4, 2008
Sometimes in our lives (and I assume this effects most of us), we have a day when we wake up and realized life had zoomed by us at a speed in which we are not able to recall how we got where we are or why we are there. But, eventually, we stop and seek direction. Aren't you glad God still works for you? Man, do I find myself these days repeating that statement! In my case I was not only dumbfounded at this stop sign I was aware of it. I had been at this very cross road many times. As I look back to ponder the previous times I seem to be making the wrong turn at this stop thus causing increasingly worse decision making and much more severe penalties. But as I soon found out you can only run so many times, you may only so many times turn your cheek to God and open your arms to the world before God himself stops you for good and gives it to you in a serious warning red flashing light cross stop with neon signs lit bright!! "Last chance Next stop HELL" Translates into worldly death quickly approaching those with lost souls please grab this hand. I recently found myself here again and when at this resting point I am faced with a decision and a soft whisper I have heard for as far back as I know. "Tell the world, walk with me", it says. But I for a very long time could not pick up my cross and drop my suitcase filled with "all the things I need". Thank God for divine intervention! Rather have you ever tried to tell God no? HaHaHa don't try it, he wins every time and for this I am so thankful. On this final stop at my familiar crossroad what ever cataract I had causing spiritual blindness fell out what ever wax build up I had in my ears fell to the ground releasing me of spiritual deafness. Chains I was not aware of fell to my feet, taking away the weights of the world. With those new eyes I was able to read and hear with those clean ears the word of God like no other time in my life, and without that weight of the world I was able to move freely and say yes Father I am ready I am so sorry I have turned my cheek on you lord. But like Abraham I am ready to go to lands Unknown, walk away with no questions. Like Paul I acknowledge my thorn in my flesh and I thank you father for putting it there as it sharpens my vision on my salvation. Like David, many times over had he caused death committed adultery. But too was stopped and given that chance. He to prayed out to the father for forgiveness and when at his cross road his last chance he took the turn God requested. This is a man God said he loved even after all the debauchery he caused. So if this revelation speaks to you, if you relate to my warnings God has given me listen to the Lord has calling you softly go as he directs and all else will fall in place. May the peace of our Lord be with you. "I pray Lord at this time that this revelation finds someone at their cross road! Lord I pray they turn in the direction you request them to go. Father, I thank you for your mercy and your grace. I pray for forgiveness father and guidance, wisdom and understanding. I thank you for teaching me that it is at my lowest points that I fall is where you prune me back to double my fruit Lord. I pray lord that you continue to give me opportunity to share your great message. Lord help me to see with your eyes hear with your ears and act with your heart. Father its through your sons name and because of his shed blood I am able to make these words fall upon your ears. - Amen