Monday, February 2, 2009
Dust In The Wind- Dedicated to Shawn Michael Mills
"He will change our simple bodies and make them like his own glorious body." Philippians 3:21
How can you put into words your worldly imperfect body? My arthritic body, my diabetic body, my cancerous body, my addicted body? The disease may be different but the message is the same. Our bodies are imperfect, they started decaying the minute we were born. According to Jesus this was the plan: every sickness, every wrinkle, every needle is a bit closer to the last moment where He will change our earthly bodies into perfect bodies like His. We are living toward a day where we have no pain, no illness, no depression - no end. We have all suffered and lost, we have all seen some one we love dear be stricken with illness and pain. It hurts us to see ourselves and loved ones suffer. But this is not our home, we are only passing through. This is not our forever house, it will do for a time but nothing will surpass the day we walk into His house and suffer no more. When pain has stricken your family or you and your worldly body is giving way, remember, we are but dust. We close our eyes and all our dreams pass before us and are gone. Nothing lasts forever, not even the earth and skies, not even your body. All they are is dust in the wind. We were given these warnings from the beginning of time. Our human minds are attached to this world and the things in it because we forget where our treasures lie. Look toward the heavens and find your strength in knowing there will be a day when separation will be no more. All pain and illness will come to an end. When tears stream down your face burning the cheek stealing your reality look toward heaven and grin. When disease rears it's ugly head again, and you are left with questions will this ever end? Look towards heaven, again. When each day brings more needles and test know its a day closer to rest. Instead of fears causing your eyes to rain with tears. Look toward heaven, my dears. Be glad instead of sad that their days of end are over. Their eternal days have begun, the temporary journey is over and they may settle in and life can finally begin. Your time is set as well and you too will be rid of this hell. Let's pray " Lord I say this prayer from my knees, I pray Lord for your healing hands to be laid upon a sickly body. To heal the pain and suffering. I pray for your hands to fall upon and watch over your child who is stuck with tear stained eyes. Give him strength and faith in your will. Bless them both Lord that they will find your peace. Give us the understanding Lord of this being but a temporary home. Let us remain with our eyes on you Lord knowing we will one day be gathered together and sing. Lord forgive us our sins and thank you Lord for walking through this land with us. I pray these things in severance Lord Jesus. Because of the blood of your son we are saved and know these things are true. It is in his holy name I pray Amen".
Farther Along
When I was growing up one of my favorite songs was titled "Farther Along". In fact on my birthday my dad would ask what song we wanted him to lead at church. I always chose this one. This song talked about farther along we would understand why about some of life's mysteries. In the first verse it talks about being tempted and tried made to wonder all the days long. While others unmolested, though they walk around in the wrong. People who have no faith in the Lord seem to be tempted and tried less often. Rather we are tested by stain to see where your faith is to Christ, lessons learned and strength's tried. The Lord dose not test and tempt us satin dose. I think that's hard for some to understand, defiantly when times test you, to what you think may be close to your breaking point. Often it is easy to ask why God is doing this to us, instead of asking God please give me strength and deliver me through this. Like the Israelite s we are quick to ask why and curse God. The song continues to talk about when death has come and taken our loved ones,it leaves our home so lonely and drear. While others walk around so wicked but yet seem to prosper. These are times I believe that can take us to emotional lows, cause us physical pain like none other. Wonder sometimes especially when seems to be a timeless death. Taken to soon we say or taken by a a senseless cause. But let us not forget we may have free will and we may be able to choose certain things. But God knew your life before you were born. I have a friend I believe who puts to much worth in the free will God takes us when he is ready as for cause and reason are answers we will i believe receive all by and by. As for the rest of that verse even those who walk around consumed in wicked behavior will feel the sting of death,when Christ calls them, we have no way of knowing who when or why. But cheer up farther along we will. Faithful til death comes says our master till he comes from his home in the sky we will meet in that mansion or you wont, depending on how you live your life and those free will choices you have to make each day. So cheer up my brother and live in the sunshine farther along we will understand it farther along we will know all about it, we shall understand it all by and by. So when choices are tough and u are tempted and tried or death steals a smile from your face remember to keep your faith and your answers will come all by and by. Lets pray" Lord Jesus Thank You so much for all you do, Lord help us to be at peace and know one day you will share with us what we do not know. Lord grant us peace for situations we can not control, let us know your will be done. Heal our sick and make us strong are all part of your will and we have peace in that Lord. I pray Lord Jesus that we stay true and faithful to you using good judgment with the free will you give us, so we may meet with you in the mansion one day gathered with the loved ones that wait for us. Help us Lord to know when illness strikes a loved one and we have struggles with why they must suffer or why it seems we have seen our share of grief to know we will understand your will when you are ready to share it with us. I pray for strength for myself and those who are hitting ruff spots as the read this bless them with your peace. It is with my faith in you that I pray. Through your sons holy name Amen"/
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Disiciples of Christ!
We once were lost but now we are found. They are lost but we will find them! But then what? We as the church seek the lost but then what do we do with them? You see we bring people to believe in Christ and what he has done but then what do we do with the soul we help get to Jesus. Many times I have heard people say I can plant the seed and I can lead them to God, but then Jesus takes over. In Mat. 28:18-20 Jesus commands not asks commands us to go unto the world and baptise in the name of the father the son the holy ghost and make disciples of them. Disciple means follower, student. Christ dose not asks this of us he expects it. Jn. 8:12 go unto the world and tell them I am the light of the world he who follows me will not walk in the darkness but have the light of life. Again follow me. When you are an apprentice you follow that person and do everything they do. So being a disciple of Christ we follow and do what he dose. Mat. 4:19 Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Salvation is free but not cheap. The cost to you is to give up all you know. Give up everything!! This is really hard to understand, how do we give every thing up for God? How do you dedicate fifteen minuets to God to read your Bible. How will you not just read and pray and believe? What will you do, what are your works? You see we seem to have some kind of categories for Christian's. Once in a while Christians, they believe they go to church once in a while. We have devout christians every Sunday every Wednesday read their Bibles till pages fall out, but don't really bare a cross for Christ. Afraid to get involved. afraid to fail. Then we have what we call Bible thumpers lol. Disciples of Christ, follow, lead, doing works for God. Teaching others how to be disciples. We can not just believe, we have to follow Christs every move. Become disciples and make disciples and you will have a purpose. Seek ye first and all these things will be added unto you. Remember that verse? Serve him and none other leave all behind, leave every sin at the way side. Love him first have more love for him and pledge allegiance to him first. Put him before your wife your parents and your friends. Luk 14:26 If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.
Luk 14:27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me, he cannot be My disciple.
You see though put him before none other and work for him. Everything else will fall in place. You will be come a good son, father,husband,lover. The Bible dose not give us a choice you either do these things or you are not a disciple of Christ. There is no kinda or just a believer. Either you are willing to bare your cross for him and become his disciple or you are not. Stop asking if we are able! Of course we are able God gave us the ability, ask your self are you willing? When you fall will you get up and try again? You will get up because god will give you the strength but will you start again? So I part today with two questions: "Are you a believer or a disciple"? "Are you ready to move from going to the church and become the church"? Lets pray " Father I come before you today and ask to be near you, to be more like you. Lord Jesus help me not only to reach out to the lost but help them to to become disciples for you. I just want to be like you Jesus, put no one before you, be able to love and live as you did. I thank you for your sacrifice that it bought my sin. Lord forgive me when I fall short. I am aware of of your awesome power and thankful for your grace. I understand father that it is your choice you save and forgive me. Not by my works, nor by my faith but because of my faith. Let me reach out unto the world and share your message help find the lost and lead them not only to you but teach them how to find the lost and lead them and teach. Grant me the peace to understand that I will never understand your vastness. Walk with me lord and I thank you that my words may fall before you through the name of Jesus because of his shed blood. In his name I pray Amen".
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Keep It Simple Son!
Mat 14:27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, Be of good cheer, I AM! Do not fear. Simple and to the point today! I know that the Lord is great and his power is unfathomable!! Prayer is the answer to all life's problems and I know God listens. simple this is a life testimony of my two Just Pray post! It works try it teach it. When I was a kid and at church camp in order to be let in to the mess hall (the place we ate in lol) we had to sing a song that repeated and we had to get louder and louder and LOUDER! It is called "when the roll is called up yonder". Not the one you may know from old hymnals but very similar. It goes like this- "When the roll is called up yonder I will be marching down the kings highway. Tell me the old old story I love it better everyday. I will make you fishers of men if you only follow me. Hallelujah praise the savior I am from sin set your from sin set we are all from sin set free"! I love this song and when I need a lift or to remember as an adult the simple lessons learned as a child are the most important lessons and agendas as an adult! That simple short song is the great commission, your only job here on earth. Simple is the way I learned to pray. K.I.S.S.= keep it simple son. God dose not need big long words that you have heard over and over but have no clue what they mean. Just tell him what you feel what you need remember he knows your heart already!! So I end this simple lesson by simply asking you to keep it simple. Save lives, share your story and Gods! Simply remember God is listening and his eye is on you find joy in that! Lets pray " Father I simply want to thank you for answered prayers! For your sacrifice that saved my soul! Please guide me on this journey and give many opportunity's to simply share your word. Forgive my sins, it is through Jesus Christ's holly name I pray Amen"!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Let Us Pray!
Lord, I thank you for hearing me, I humble myself at your throne and ask for your forgiveness. I thank you for answering my prayers. Please watch over me and protect me, give me strength. I will worship and praise your name no matter where my feet will be. Please bless and keep all who read here, let them find strength and guidance. Thank you Lord for giving this place to share your word. Forgive my sins renew and rebuild me in your sons name I pray Amen.
Prayer.....words from our heart to God. I have wrote about prayer many times these days. In fact it is my theme for myself, you, your family and anyone you meet this year. You may ask why is that your theme with so much else going on? War, financial trouble,violence,immorality,illness,and death just to name a few issues that probably effect you and your family's. Do you see anything on this list you can change? Or have an answer for? No! No you don't! The only thing you can do is put these things in Gods hands through prayer. So with all there is to read on this site please see that each one is closed in prayer, many include discussion about prayer. Do you see a theme? If the power in my area were to go out tonight, or some unforeseen event should happen that would cease post's for a moment (Lord forbid), please continue to read re-read and share this message. "Pray, pray so hard and so long and about all things. Pray for thanks, an in all things be thankful even if its strife or misfortune. Thank God for giving you the time to be humbled that it's his will, learn and grow at times of low. Pray for health and spiritual growth. Pray for others first your self last. Remember these things always Phil. 4:4-7 "Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything,but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your request to the God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus". Make what you say to the Lord be known by thanking him, thanking him for listening for already knowing what you need and by thanking him for answering just when HE knows you need it. Have you ever been so deep in thought about a decision or situation and you cant make it or just need to chat about it? Do you have that special person you always go to they listen so well and always have just the right answer or thing to say? Let the Lord be that person wont you? Prayer dose not have to be out loud but can be. You can talk to God just as you would talk to your best friend. Just start in mid sentence he already knows your heart. Involve him, ask him, thank him let him know you love him. Tell him how you feel. He listens!! We start a brand new era today, with a new administration in our country. And with some an era has been closed. Some continue to face serious adversity others are not aware at all of anything around them. Some have finished exams in school and others are looking for signs to go back to school. Hearts ring out with joy today yet others are lost in sorrow. I offer this wont you share it. Pray! Pray for new, pray for old, pray for loss. "Lord God almighty I fall at your throne beat full of sin and thank you for the lessons you are teaching me. I stand amazed Lord on a day when so many people cheer for change and welcome it with open arms. I pray for these changes to be overseen with your mighty hand. Guide and keep safe these events. While others Lord mourn I pray you grant them peace and help them to find you in this ruff patch. I pray they see it not as an end but a beautiful begging. I pray for all those who are being tested on learned lessons rather in life or school they do well. This day Lord I pray you are with those facing adversity in their lives give them strength bless and keep them. With all these thing Lord I pray with thanksgiving for your grace and power. I stand in awe of you. Forgive us Lord bless and keep us. Amen".
Monday, January 19, 2009
"Seasons of Love"
This is for you Megan!!
"525,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes - how do you measure,
measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee. In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife. In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?How about love?How about love? How about love? Measure in love. Seasons of love." One of my favorite Broadway productions...Over and over in the Bible Jesus teaches LOVE! Love your neighbor as your self-Mat. 19:19. Even sinners love those who love them Lk. 6:32, Love the Lord your God Mat. 22:37. I could write for hours quoting what the Lord said about love. In this world we live in today the news is filled with death and war. Hate and crime,"525,600 minutes! 525,000 journeys to plan. 525,600 minutes - how can you measure the life of a woman or man"? If you had to measure your life how would you do it? By years at a job? On how many sunsets you saw, how many wife's you had? LOVE!! If you are full of love you are not able to be filled or captivated by hate. Jn. 14:15 says if you love me you will obey what I say. You see if you are loving yourself your neighbor your children or family you are probably finding yourself obeying God."In truths that she learned, or in times that he cried. In bridges he burned, or the way that she died". If you dwell on the things you have lost or failed, the lessons not won or the way you may die. My guess is you are not filled with love, to be filled with love is to be filled with Christ. In this new year start a tradition start a new way of living rather. Love, share it, show it, live it. Stand up and speak out! Remember his love for you for me. Share the story that never ends of love and compassion. How will you measure your year? How will you measure your life?"It’s time now to sing out, tho the story never ends let's celebrate remember a year in the life of friends. Remember the love! Remember the love! Remember the love! Measure in love. Seasons of love! Seasons of love. Lets pray " Lord I thank you so much for teaching me the gentle way and how to love. Lord please help me to love more, let it be seen just by how I love that I am a christian. Thank you for loving me with no condition. Forgive my sins and bless my life and those who are reading this. Help us love each other more and spread it through the world. It is in your sons name we ask for forgiveness and pray Amen".
Sunday, January 18, 2009
God's Gifts
Don't you enjoy getting gifts? Better yet my favorite is giving gifts. What are your favorite gifts? Is it a piece of jewelry, cloths a picture? Forgiveness, everlasting life, unending love,flowers, rain, sunshine? I could go on and on. God gives some of the most wonderful gifts and in my opinion the best gifts I have ever received. What are your special God given gifts? we are all blessed with the gifts of God in the world of creation, and in his wonderful promises. But what did he give you and only you? The ability to cook, to draw to speak? The gift of listening? Do you know what it is God has blessed you with? If you do know or you think you know, what are your plans for it? Do you think you knew but then up popped a new talent? Do you think God only gives us one gift? Maybe you have never taken the time to think about what your spiritual gifts are? Maybe you have but gave up on trying to find out where you may use them because you don't understand how it fits in to Gods plan. Galatians 6:4 says "make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then seek yourself into that". It talks about work, you have a job you go to each day, sometimes or many times really people are working not using there talents. Going to work where better money may be? Or you have just not discovered yet what the gifts of God in your life are? You know what you are good at, 1 Tim. 4:14 says do not neglect the gifts in you. My mom wrote a baby book for handicapped children years ago. She wrote this book to document the special times of children with handicaps because they happen at different times than children who develop at what we call a normal speed. This book came without ever thinking she may be a writer you see my mom and step dad adopted twins with special needs and found themselves frustrated without a book to record all the special events of my sisters. You see God gave us the gift of the special girls which I will write about another day, but blessed my mom with the gift of creating this book. My mom did not ever think she may be an author but God spoke to her and told her what to do to help others. When we use these gifts we make God smile. But if you don't use these gifts or give and effort to find out what they are even is as if you are refusing a gift from God? Could you imagine if you got someone a gift and they did not want it? What would you do how would you feel? I don't think you would intentionally shun Gods gifts. But don't enjoy some of Gods gifts without making use of the ones he gives you to do his work. Share them and with a smile do Gods work. Lets pray, "Lord I thank you so much for my many talents. I do hope Lord I make you proud when I use them, and I hope I use them in accordance to the way you'd have me use them. Lord help me find ways to use them more often and to become better at them. I thank you Lord for all the gifts you bless this world with, the beauty, you could have made everything 2-d and in black and white but you didn't. You could have made every flower smell the same and yet you didn't. Thank you Lord for these gifts and for the ability to make you smile when I use them. Forgive me where I fall short Lord. Help me to see the world with eyes like yours prejudice free, help me to hear the world with ears like yours with love. Help me to speak to the world with your tongue softly and gently. Lord I do hope your face lights up when I exercise the gifts you packed in me. Forgive my sins and it is through Christ's most holly name I pray Amen".
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